1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Keyboard > Hardware
2. Choose your keyboard.
3. Press properties > Driver > Update Driver...
4. When the Hardware update Wizard comes up choose "Install from a specific location (Advanced)" and click next.
5. Choose "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install." Then hit next.
6. Uncheck the box for "Show compatable hardware."
7. On the left choose "Fujitsu" and then on the right choose "Fujitsu 109 Japanese USB Keyboard" and click next.
8. A dialouge will come up asking if you really want to do it. Click yes.
9. Restart the computer.
You should be finished with the basic set up then.
One more thing...
The mac keyboard has the 英数 and かな keys to the left and right of the space bar. We can link these to English and Japanese respectively.
I am assuming you already have Japanese input and English input enabled. You will see a blue square in the task bar with either EN or JA. Click it. It should have both. If so, let's continue. If not, you need to find a tutorial on how to enable Japanese language support and then come back here. For those of you who will continue...
1. Click on the Language Bar in the task bar.
2. Click Settings.
3. A Text Services and Input Languages window will come up. Click "Key Settings..."
4. It says "Switch to English (United States).To the right of it it should say "Ctrl+Shift+0". If it does not click "Change Key Sequence..." and make it that (Ctrl+Shift+0)
5. It says "Switch to Japanese". To the right of it it should say "Ctrl+Shift+1". If it does not click "Change Key Sequence..." and make it that (Ctrl+Shift+1)
6. Now download the program Autohotkey and install it. http://www.autohotkey.com/ (When you install it will ask you if you want sample scripts. Click yes.)
7. After you have installed go to Start > All Programs > Autohotkey and click Autohotkey.
8. After you click itYou will see a green and white H in the task bar.
9. Right click it and click "Edit this script".
10. In the script add this under where it says "return".
LWin::CtrlSC07B:: Send ^+0SC070:: Send ^+1
The first line makes the left Windows key into Contol. This will make it like the Command key on Macs. I mainly use OSX so I like having this key switched. If you plan on mainly using Windows delete the first line.
The next two lines map the keys to the left and right of the space bar to the languages. Left is English and right is Japanese.
11. Save and close the file.
12. Right click the green and white H and click "Reload This Script".
Everything should work now. We just want to make sure that Autohotkey starts when we start the computer.
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Autohotkey
2. Right click the Autohotkey program and choose "Create Shortcut". You will see the shortcut below there.
3. Drag the shortcut into the Startup folder under All Programs (just above where you are now).
Ok. That's it. Enjoy.