The other day, I was going through my back log of
Treehugger podcasts (
iTunes) and, I heard one about this company called
Toms. Toms makes shoes. Apparently, the guy who made the company went to Argentina on vacation and was surprised to see so many children without shoes. He wanted to make a non-profit to give kids shoes, but he had no experience with non-profits, so he decided to make a company, which, for every pair of shoes bought, gives another pair to children that doesn't have shoes.
A lot of people thought he was crazy, but it is working well. They have given shoes to 10,000 kids in Argentina and 50,000 kids in South Africa. Apparently, hipsters in the states are really into them too. Since I am not up on everything that is going on there, all this might not be new to you. They have vegan shoes too in case you were wondering. I just ordered mine. Order some. Do it for the kids ;)
Treehuggerのpodcast (
その会社の子供たちに靴を上げる方法は「one for one」と言う方法た。「one for one」っていうのは、お客さんが靴を買うとそのお金で、お客さんの靴と子供の靴を作る。彼がこの方法を使うと言った時、みんなに「うまく行かない」と言われてたけど、実はすごくうまく行ってるらしい。しかも、靴が、子供のとお客さんのとで5000円しかかからない。